NEWS 2024

The naked truth

Ziółkowski, Grzegorz. “Naga prawda – wygrzebana z ziemi. Performowanie świadectw w Tierra i La verdad Reginy José Galindo.” [The naked truth – unearthed from the ground. Performing testimonies in Tierra and La verdad by Regina José Galindo.] “Coś, co jest bardziej mną niż ja”. Prace ofiarowane Prof. Leszkowi Kolankiewiczowi, ed. Marcin Bogucki, Agata Chałupnik, Zofia Dworakowska, Zuzanna Kann-Skorupska, Agata Łuksza, Wrocław – Warszawa: Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2024, pp. 359–375.

NEWS 2024

Working visit to Chile

From 2 January to 11 February 2024, Prof. Grzegorz Ziółkowski carried out investigations on “Colonia Dignidad” (presently Villa Baviera) in Chile as part of his research project The Performative Realm of “Colonia Dignidad,” the German enclave in Chile, in historical and political contexts, funded by a grant from the National Science Centre (NCN) under the OPUS 22 programme (2021/43/B/HS2/00360). Apart from archival research in the Archivo Nacional de la Administración (ARNAD) and the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos (MMDH) in Santiago de Chile, Prof. Ziółkowski visited Villa Baviera near Parral and its restaurant Casino Familiar near Bulnes. In addition, he spoke to some former colonists and a number of activists, artists, academics and lawyers, including, among others, Hernán Fernández, Winfred Hempel, Prof. Elizabeth Lira, Orlando Lübbert, María Luisa Ortiz, and Myrna Troncoso.